Be at the Top 1% of Your Game in Sports and Business — Live Happier And Healthier








Hesitation is where we find ourselves faltering and second-guessing our successes. It's time for that to change. It is time for us to build everything around our life, so our business can succeed.




Shawn Huber is a Certified High-Performance Coach. He helps entrepreneurs achieve success without compromising their mental and physical health in the process. High-performance refers to succeeding beyond standard norms, consistently over the long-term.

5-day Midset Awareness Challenge
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026 - Vision Created with Sketch.


Seek clarity on who you want to be, how you want to interact with others, what you want, and what will bring you the greatest meaning in your life.


Generate energy so that you can maintain focus, effort, and well-being. You'll need to actively care for your mental stamina, physical energy and positive emotions in very specific ways.


Demonstrate courage by expressing your ideas, taking bold actions, and standing up for yourself and others in the changing conditions of life.


Increase productivity in your primary field of interest. Focus on your prolific quality output (PQO) in the area in which you want to be known and drive an impact while minimizing distractions.

09 Influencer


Develop influence with those around you. It will make you better and getting people to believe in and support your efforts/ambitions.

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For exceptional performance you must actively tap into the reasons you absolutely must perform well. This is based on a mix of your internal standards and external demands.


I've worked with some of the top minds in the world. From Olympic Athletes to highly successful entrepreneurs.

Work With SHAWN.

If you're interested in leaving behind the struggle of second-guessing yourself and want to enjoy the limited time you have on this planet, complete the form and to schedule a time to talk to me. Create the success in life and business that you've always wanted.

Work With Shawn



While you navigate through life, you will encounter situations that will make you uncomfortable and I will ensure you are comfortable enough to perform at the highest levels while you face these situations.

Your actions will always speak louder than your words and people will remember you by how you reacted to those tough situations. I am here to help you make the best decisions without hesitation so your actions will reflect your consistency while doing the right things.



Shawn became the first and only coach I have ever hired. I found him at a point in my life as an entrepreneur where a lot of big things were about to happen in my personal life that easily kills dreams without you even realizing it. Shawn was able to guide me through those difficult moments so instead of having my business suffer, it thrived like never before.

Jose G. Lopez

The Celebrity Marketer

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By Shawn Huber 29 Nov, 2023
It would be great if we could always have a say in our daily schedule and make the changes we want. Sometimes things happen that are out of our control, and we have to adapt fast. You also have to give yourself permission to not be okay with the changes and work through them. Life is unpredictable, and it often throws curveballs that challenge our carefully crafted routines. In this article, we'll explore the art of adapting to a schedule that changes outside of your control, acknowledging the difficulty of losing something that impacts you profoundly, finding ways to make the show go on, and discovering the steps to take when the shock wears off, providing perspective that not all things will go our way.
By Shawn Huber 25 Oct, 2023
The Pitfalls of the 'Hard Work' Myth  In our fast-paced world, the idea of working hard, hustling, and grinding for long hours has become the mantra of success. Many people believe that this relentless pursuit of success through sheer effort is the path to prosperity. However, what if I told you that this very belief is causing more harm than good? In this article, we'll explore the reasons why people believe that hard work is the best way to become successful, and how it can actually lead to losing more than you gain.
By Shawn Huber 11 Oct, 2023
Escaping the Grip of Negative Thoughts on Your Business and Life  In the fast-paced world of business, success is often seen as a culmination of strategic planning, market analysis, and tireless effort. However, a critical yet often overlooked factor that can significantly influence your journey to success is your mindset. Negative thoughts, fears, and doubts can act as invisible barriers, hindering your progress and impacting your business and personal life in profound ways. Quantum physics and the power of positive thoughts offer a unique perspective on how we can shift our mindset and energy to cultivate a more prosperous and fulfilling entrepreneurial journey.
By Shawn Huber 22 Sep, 2023
Navigating the Path of Equestrian Aspirations Embarking on the journey of realizing your equestrian dreams is akin to setting sail on uncharted waters. The sea of equestrian aspirations can be vast, mysterious, and at times overwhelming. One of the biggest challenges riders and horse enthusiasts face is truly understanding their goals and desires within this realm. It's easy to harbor dreams of galloping through open fields or mastering complex dressage routines, but to make these aspirations a reality, one must navigate the depths of their own desires and motivations. This is where the Equestrian Mindset Mastery Course steps in, aiming to guide riders through this process of self-discovery and goal crystallization.
By Shawn Huber 25 Aug, 2023
Navigating Challenges in Small Businesses and Side Hustles In the dynamic landscape of small businesses and side hustles, unique challenges often emerge. From limited resources to fierce competition, entrepreneurs embarking on these ventures face a diverse range of hurdles. However, a guiding light shines for those seeking effective strategies to overcome these obstacles. This article explores the transformative potential of a book titled "Business Tips From The Trenches: Expert Advice to Start Your Small Business or Side Hustle." In this book, experienced entrepreneurs who have triumphed over challenges share their wisdom, making it a vital resource for turning your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.
By Shawn Huber 23 Jun, 2023
There's no doubt that competitive equestrian sports can be exhilarating. The connection between rider and horse, the thrill of the ride, the cheers of the crowd - it's a feeling unlike any other. But along with the thrills, there's an undeniable element of stress. Riding Anxiety and Competition Anxiety are two of the most common psychological challenges faced by equestrians. They can cloud your mind, impact your performance, and even mar the enjoyment of the sport you love. But what if there was a way to conquer this anxiety, to harness it, and to use it to fuel your success?
By Shawn Huber 08 May, 2023
Yo, guys, let's talk about why men have such a tough time showing their emotions. It's like, society expects men to be all tough and stoic, you know? We're supposed to be the protectors and providers, the ones who don't show any weakness. And that starts young, like when we're told to "man up" and keep our feelings in check. 
By Shawn Huber 18 Apr, 2023
Saying no to oneself in life and business is a common occurrence. We all have moments where we hold ourselves back from taking risks, trying new things, or pursuing our goals. While saying no to oneself may seem like a self-preservation mechanism, it can actually hold us back from achieving our full potential.
By Shawn Huber 13 Apr, 2023
Running a business is hard work. There are a million things to do, and it often seems like there's never enough time in the day to get everything done. When you're constantly feeling rushed and overwhelmed, frustration can quickly set in. But fear not! I've got a hilarious story to share that will help you overcome your frustration and reclaim control of your time.
By Shawn Huber 28 Mar, 2023
Executive High Performance Coaching with Hypnosis is a powerful and effective tool for individuals looking to improve their business and personal performance. This form of coaching combines the traditional techniques of executive coaching with the transformative power of hypnosis to create a unique and dynamic approach to personal growth and development.
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