"If you don't clean the inside of the dish, it won't get as clean as you think it is."
But what happens when you start to detoxify your body? You'll notice that you feel lighter and more energetic. You may even experience some side effects like headaches or nausea. That's because toxins are stored in your cells and tissues — when you release them from their hiding places, they need to exit your body through your skin, lungs or gut.
Detoxing your mind and body at the same time can be a big challenge. But if you're ready to make the commitment, it can be one of the best decisions you've ever made.
The mind and body are connected. When you are stressed, your body creates cortisol to help you deal with the stress. When you are happy, your body creates endorphins to help you feel good. You cannot separate the two.
When we take care of our physical health, we are also taking care of our mental health. And when we take care of our mental health, we feel better physically as well.
It's important to detox both at the same time because they work together in a cycle that helps each other function properly.
You may notice that certain things work for a while but then stop working for you over time — whether it's your diet or workout routine or even your attitude toward life! As life goes on, we become more resistant to change as we get older. This means it's even more important than ever to shake things up every once in a while!
Here is your opportunity to do this Now. Join Me on January 9th and 10th for the Best Program to do all of this at one time. The Mental Mindset Challenge will give you the advantage to start your Best Year ever. Details are coming soon.
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