Here is what it looks like.
Money is coming in and there is no organization. You’re so busy taking care of customers and trying to keep up with the latest technology that you don’t have time to prepare for future growth or develop new products or services. You may also find yourself with too many employees who aren’t pulling their weight or getting along with each other.
The result: chaos!
Employees are not happy, and their productivity suffers as a result. They’re either overwhelmed by the amount of work to be done, or they feel unappreciated. The stress of working in a business that has no structure can lead to high turnover and low morale.
If your employees aren’t happy, neither will your customers be. And if your employees are not happy, it could mean that they don’t feel like they have a clear career path within the company, which could lead them to look elsewhere for employment opportunities. When this happens, it can cause serious damage to your company culture as well as its reputation in the market place.
When employees are overworked and underpaid, they may call out sick or take extended vacation days just to get some relief from their jobs. This is especially true if there’s no formal policy for sick days or vacation time, so employees feel like they have no choice but to take these shortcuts.
Bad reviews are piling up on social media.
A business with a disorganized culture will inevitably receive negative feedback from customers and prospective customers. If you have bad reviews on your Yelp page or other review sites, potential clients will see them before they even consider using your services — and that’s a huge problem for any growing company.When a business is growing, it can be easy for the owner to lose sight of the big picture. For example, you may be so focused on getting more customers and generating more sales that you don’t realize that some of your employees are unhappy or that your brand image is suffering.
It is important to recognize two things, first you can not change everything at once and second balance needs to be found. It starts with self awareness, then making small changes to you and your business, and learning to celebrate success with measured results.
If you to start working on your mind, body, and business call or text (919) 824-3530.
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