The Box Breath is a breathing technique that helps you to reset your thoughts and emotions. It’s a fast way to get back into a positive state of mind and relax your body.
The Box Breath is a great tool for fast reset from negative to positive thought. It can also help release negative tension in seconds. By using this technique, you can stay focused and present in any situation, no matter what happens around you.
The Box Breath is perfect for on the go business owners who need/choose to be positive in all situations. This technique also helps you transition one situation to another without caring over negative energy, frustration, and stress into the next important activity. This also helps you transition from business owner to your personal self.
Here is how it works.
What you may notice after doing this Box Breath is your heart rate has lowered, your blood pressure has come down, your anger is reduced, your frustration has lessened, and you feel more relaxed.
If you are interested in leaning more about this and how it can help you in life and business,
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