If you want to be successful, you can't be successful all the time. In fact, you might actually make yourself less productive by being too busy. You can have both: productivity and recovery time.
Let me explain. The key to success is getting the most done in a day and taking small breaks throughout the day. Taking these breaks helps keep your creative energy up while energizing the mind. It also helps keep you from burning out. Then, after an extended period of work, it's ok to relax and make money at the same time.
This combination of productivity and recovery time has allowed many of my clients to become extremely successful while still maintaining their sanity. This isn't just a theory; I'm here to prove it to you!Small breaks throughout the day help take the edge off. You don't have to shut off your phone or leave your computer. The trick is to give yourself a few minutes every 45 minutes or so — a quick walk around the block or a snack break to energize the mind and keep creative productivity up.
When it comes to rest days, don't make them mandatory. Many people feel guilty about taking a day off work perhaps because they feel compelled to check their email every 30 minutes or so — but it's critical that you do take regular breaks from work if your goal is long-term success. And don't be afraid to take breaks if needed many of us need them as much as we need food, water and sleep.
If you are ready, there are two options. One, you do it yourself, or two, you can join our 5 Day Challenge. To learn more about our challenge visit challenge.shawnahuber.com.
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